VIP Sponsorship includes 2 Team Entries (2 kayaks, 6 participant t-shirts and VIP perks)
Prominent full-color business logo featured on event registration site, promotional banner & event t-shirts
Exclusive opportunity to set up a company table along event finish line and issue out healthy refreshments for event participants. (Company banners welcomed!)
Exclusive opportunity to include company-branded items/promotional materials in participant welcome packages
Recognition by DJ during the event
Sponsorship includes 2 Team Entries (2 kayaks and 6 participant t-shirts included)
Business logo featured on event registration site & event t-shirts
Sponsorship includes 1 Team Entry (1 kayak, 3 participant t-shirts included)
Color business name featured on event t-shirts & name on event registration site
Sponsorship includes:
Business name featured on event t-shirts
Opportunity to include company-branded items/promotional materials in participant welcome packages