N School Street
Harper, Texas 78631
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20121Josh Day17:0676Janelle Peralt23:1193
20131Joshua Day17:0554Janelle Peralt23:1675
20142Alain Peralt20:1955Claire Lukacs22:5195
20151Alain Peralt19:3241Claire Lukacs20:5745
20161Joel Pelton19:0550Claire Lukacs22:1990
20171Christophe Peralt20:3129Claire Lukacs20:4645
20181Chase Junell16:3829Tara Bock24:3832
20191Bryan Ganis19:0130Sha Thomas23:0337
20201Zane Shubert19:5533Sha Thomas23:0738
20211Ty Holekamp22:269Sha Thomas24:0829
20221Ty Holekamp22:1018Faith Tinnin24:1725
20231Ben Anderson23:3221Pamela Toelle29:1634
20241Benjamin Anderson19:5210Pamela Toelle27:2311

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 26

Page Activity