Llano High School would like to invite your high school and/or junior high school to the 2018 Llano Yellow Jacket Cross Country Invitational, which is to be held at Llano High School.
8:30 a.m. - 3200 Meter J.V. Girls and Varsity Girls (2 chutes)
9:00 a.m. - 5K J.V. Boys and Varsity Boys (2 Chutes)
9:30 a.m. - Open 5K J.V. Girls & Varsity Girls (2 Chutes)
10:00 a.m. - 3200 Meter 7th and 8th Grade Girls (2 Chutes)
10:30 a.m. - 3200 Meter 7th and 8th Grade Boys (2 Chutes)
$10.00 per online registered runners, with a maximum fee of $600.00 per school, regardless of the number of runners registered online. Make checks payable to Llano High School.
Each school may have up to 14 runners in each of the varsity divisions, with an unlimited number of runners in the junior varsity divisions and the junior high divisions. SINCE THE MEET IS CHIP TIMED, ENTRIES OF ALL RUNNERS IN ALL RACES IN ALL DIVISIONS MUST BE MADE ONLINE THROUGH ATHLETEGUILD.COM., WITH ONLINE ENTRIES DUE BY 12:00 P.M. ALSO, BE SURE TO RETURN THE ACCOMPANYING OFFFICIAL ENTRY FORM BY NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 2018.
All races will be chip timed with results will available online through athleteguild.com.
Team Championship Plaque (all divisions)
Team Runner-Up Plaque (all divisions)
Individual Medals for top 15 (all divisions)
Beginning at 7:00 a.m. behind Llano High School
Steve Golemon
Cell # (830) 688-9627
Home E-mail sgolemon44@gmail.com