Saturday, June 29, 20247:30 am CDT
10001 Burleson Rd
Austin, Texas 78719

Snails aren't the fastest species but you know what? At least Snails Keep GOING! It's not always about speed or who's the fastest. It's about finishing YOUR race. 

For all those who aren’t necessarily the fastest runner you can still say you "Snailed It" after this super fun unique 5K, 10K, or 13.1 Half-Marathon run! Take your time, run your pace, your race. 

Run will sell-out QUICK! Get in on the lowest price when you sign-up early. Price will increase after every 25 participants.
We will close off waves the moment they fill up. 
This is a smaller, hand-timed run capped at just 40 people per wave. 
All paces and ages (under 18 with guardian) are welcome - Run or Walk! 
There's no equipment or setup, this is a pure run with our coordinators to support you!