5940 McNaughton
Kyle, Texas 78640
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20143Markku Laukkanen17:1720Jennifer Garcia15:2642
20153Zachary Royal11:4990Teresa Mitchell11:31115
20163Jay Jones11:5176Andelina Abazi10:2898
20173Waren Anguiano11:46136Amy Sellers12:28125
20183Wesley Bostian10:41107Brooklyn Vidales12:33123
20193Chad Seitz12:1993Michaela Seitz14:31123
20202Matthew Veloz Jr11:0349Raspberry Salazar15:2652
20213Chase Beck12:2738Lauren Niclair13:4169
20223Christian Holteng 0:0376Aubrey Cline 0:03109
20233David Sherrill11:1558Allie Kieffer 8:5870
20241Emmett Crowe13:4945Emily Lancaster14:1144

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 43

Page Activity