Wonder World Dr and Hunter Road
San Marcos, Texas 78666
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20121Alex Herrera20:0324Adrien Thom26:5315
20131David Matuschak24:1649Katie Norman27:1267
20141Taylor Stephens21:2736Kira Long26:1141
20151Travis Rounds21:2441Sandra Venegas25:1050
20171Nicholas Wittkopp21:0247Kaytlynn Welsh24:4666
20181Nicholas Wittkopp19:3537Sophia Torres29:0437
20191Nicholas Wittkopp20:2936Sara Grissom28:1361
20201Hayden Labarr26:3242Marcella Smith27:1548
20211Ryan Sheehy24:3844Mary Finch26:0433
20221Ryan Sheehy28:2023Kay Stiles27:1338
20231Layton Hemann22:5650Esteban Regalado28:2079
20241No Results FoundNo Results Found

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 18

Page Activity