Saturday, December 07, 20198:30 am CDT
1724 Tancahua St
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401
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Join us for the Reindeer Run 5K Run-Walk and 2 Mile Walk benefiting Bikes for Kids presented by Mattress Firm and the Kids 1K is brought to you by Physicians Premier . This fun filled family run will also include a Kids 1K, so everyone can participate in this festive event in Corpus Christi. We will have a Post-Party at Brewsters Street Icehouse with (1) Free Draft Beer courtesy of Corona Premier. Register for the race and help raise money to provide a new bike for a child this holiday season.

Benefiting "Bikes for Kids"

* No live reindeer will be at the event

Race Day Schedule

07:30 AM - Registration and packet pickup
08:00 AM - Kids 1K Run
08:30 AM - 5K Run/Walk
08:30 AM - 2 Mile Walk

Entry Fees

Reindeer Run 5K and 2 Mile
$15 until August 31
$25 from 9/1 until 10/13
$30 from 10/14 until 11/15
$35 from 11/16 until 12/05
$40 Packet pickup and Race Day

Kids 1K Run - (Ages 4 to 10 ONLY!)


$20 Packet Pick Up and Race Day. 

No Refunds (Hot or Cold / Rain or Shine)


* Any entry that is discounted 100% will not be receiving a Race T-Shirt.

* On-line registration will close at Noon on Thursday, December 5th.


Register Now and $ave
Race Day Registration MAY BE available from 7:30am to 8:00am
Award Categories
5K Run/Walk
Overall Male/Female
Masters Male/Female (40 +)
Grand Masters Male/Female (60 +)
Top 3 Male/Female in age groups:
     1-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-99
2 Mile Walk
Top 3 Male/Female in age groups:
Kids 1K Run
No age group awards
Packet Pickup

Reindeer Run 5k Packet Pick Up
Friday; 12/6/2019
10:30AM - 7:00PM
Rock's Discount Vitamins N More
6004 SPID
Gulfway Shopping Center (Airline & SPID) 

Contact Info

Bikes for Kids is a non-profit organization that raises money each year to provide needy children in our area with a new bicycle at Christmas. Bay Area Bicycles donates their time and skill to assemble and store the bicycles while other organizations, including the Corpus Christi Triathlon Club work to raise money on behalf of Bikes for Kids. Please sign-up for our event so that a needy child can enjoy the thrill of riding a new bike during this Holiday Season. Marketing and promotion for the event is being provided by Hot Z95, 1440 KEYS and Rock 92/7.