Saturday, April 06, 20138:30 am CST
400 North Libery Street
New Braunfels, Texas 78130
Description: All proceeds from the Chosen Kids 5k will benefit the St. Judes Children's Ranch, adoptive families, and orphan care.
Times: 8:30am - 5K
Entry Fees: $25 - Early registration
$40 - Early registration and 8 week training program
$35 - Race day
Awards: Top 3 Male/Female in the following age groups:  6-10, 11-14, 15-18
Training: There will be an 8 week training program on Saturdays at Church Hill Middle School
Training time is 8:00-9:30am, February 16th- March 30th. 
Athletes will be divided by ability and experience
Course: Click Here
Packet Pickup: Will be held at URun in New Braunfels, Texas on Friday, April 5th. 3pm-7pm
Contact: George Herrera,