Saturday, February 21, 20157:30 am CDT
2620 W Klein Rd
New Braunfels, Texas 78130
Description: This color run is sponsored by the Klein Road PTA, and is a very fun, COLORFUL family event. All are welcome – not just KRE students! We will also be hosting a health fair with entertainment provided by local businesses in our community. It is a great time for all with music and games and of course running through multi colored powder stations along the run/walk routes. Proceeds will be used to create an outdoor learning area for the students – this area will include outdoor gardens areas, compost sites, and rain water collection systems. It will be an exciting area for children in all grades to conduct experiments and learn about plants and life cycles in a hands on environment.
Schedule: 6:00am - Packet pickup/late registration
7:00am - Opening ceremonies and warm ups
7:30am - 5K Run and Walk
8:30am - Fun Run
Events: 5K Run & Walk - Children 6 and under must have adult supervision with them on the course. This is a family friendly event so families are encouraged to participate together. Strollers are allowed on the course but should seed themselves at the back of the starting pack. 1 Mile Fun Run – All ages welcome! This will be a one mile course around the school. While all ages are welcome, the winners must be elementary aged (any school) students.
Entry Fees:

Pre-race registration thru Dec.31, 2014 thur Jan. 31, 2015:  5K is $25 for adults and $25 for youth under 16 years of age – Fun Run is $5 per participant

 Feb 1, 2015 thur Feb. 19, 2015 : 5K is $30 for adults and $25 for youth under 16 years of age – Fun Run is $5 per participant

 Feb. 20,2015 Late registration and day of the event : 5K is $35 for adults and $25 for youth under 16 years of age – Fun Run is $5 per participant


5K – Overall Male / Female and 2nd and 3rd place by gender

Fun Run – Overall Male/Female – winner *must* be an elementary school student (K-5)

Shirts: The first 200 registrants are guaranteed an event shirt.  Shirt sizes are not guaranteed and may not be exact, but we will do our very best to accommodate your requested size. Each participant will also be given a packet of powder. The kid run will include the t-shirt, color packets will be available for purchase.
Packet Pickup: Packet Pickup will be at Klein Road Elementary on Friday February 20 from 3-7 pm. Packets can also be picked up the day of the event  from 6-7 am.

Melinda Barth,