Saturday, September 28, 20137:30 am CST
651 Devine Rd
San Antonio, Texas 78212
Description: 5K to celebrate the Navy's 238th Birthday
Schedule: 6:00am - 7:15am Race Day Registration
7:30am - 5K Run/Walk Starts
Entry Fee:

$30.00 Credit Card Processing fee of $3.00 added at checkout online

 $35.00 cash or check (no credit cards accepted) the day of the race


Commemorative 238th Navy Birthday T-shirt, sport bag and water bottle to the first 150 finishers

Awards: First Male and Female age divisions: Under 20yrs; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59 and 60+


Randy or Denise Surratt at

Sponsor:              Navy Federal Credit Untion