Saturday, August 27, 20168:00 am CDT
Hiawatha Street and Pecan Valley Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78283



NOW HEAR THIS!  All San Antonio “Pollywogs” are hereby summoned to appear before King Neptune at the Navy Pollywog Three Nautical Mile Run/Walk.  Leave your broom at the bulkhead, and your geedunk in the galley, and tread the trail with us at gorgeous Southside Lions Park.  Steep yourself in nautical tradition, learn Navy terms like lanyards, bosun pipes, and scuttlebutt, and “Cross the Line” to become an honorary Navy “Shellback”.


This race benefits junior Sailors attending the 2016 Navy Birthday Ball, our annual service celebration.  Thousands of United States Sailors live, work, and train in San Antonio every year.  Come support the talented young men and women who operate ships and project American sea power across the globe as they faithfully defend of our nation.  And don’t worry—you won’t have to swab any decks!


So what is a nautical mile?  Unlike regular miles and other distance measurements, the nautical mile is based on the geometry of the Earth.  The Earth is divided into 360 degrees, and each degree is divided into 60 minutes.  The distance of one minute at the surface of the Earth is exactly 6,076 feet, or one nautical mile.  By contrast, a regular or “statute” mile is 5,280 feet.  So, one nautical mile equals 1.15 statute miles (about 15% longer).  Nautical miles are used by every nation around the world for air and sea navigation.  Fathom that!


So fair winds and following seas, shipmate, and we'll see you on the starting line!  And don't forget to don your best pirate gear.  Parrots and peglegs welcomed!



6:30am - 7:45am - Registration and packet pickup
8:00am - 3 Nautical Mile (3.45 Statute Miles/5.56K) Run
8:02am - 3 Nautical Mile (3.45 Statute Miles/5.56K) Walk


Entry Fees:

$25.00 - Pre-Registration
$30.00 - Race Day

Tech T-shirts and official “Crossing the Line" certificates:  guaranteed to all participants who register prior to Saturday, August 20.


3 Nautical Mile Run:
1st and 2nd Place overall M/F and Age Divisions (M/F) <5, 6-10, 11-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+.

3 Nautical Mile Walk:
1st and 2nd Place overall M/F.

Run/Walk 1st and 2nd place winners will receive special awards with handmade "Bosun Lanyards".

Packet pickup: Race day only

First mates of the highest order, Randy or Denise Surratt:  (210)


This event is sponsored by a private organization, 2016 Navy Birthday Ball Committee.  It is not a part of the Department of Defense or any of its components and has no governmental status.


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