Annual 5K to benefit the Texas Burn Survivor Society
Saturday, February 15, 20208:30 am CST
Annual 5K to benefit the Texas Burn Survivor Society
Late Registration & Packet Pick Up: 7:15 - 8:15 a.m.
Runners Start: 8:30 a.m.
Walkers Start: 8:35 a.m.
Awards Ceremony at Hacienda, Los Patios
Breakfast tacos & prize drawings after the race.
$40 for Individuals
$45 on Race Day
$30/participant for groups of 10 or more only until 2/13/2020.
Group participants pay full price until team size of 10 has been met and then will be refunded $10.
Online Registration open through 2/13/2020
Packet Pick Up: 2/13 & 2/14/2020. Noon -6:00 P.M.
Texas Burn Survivor Society office - 8531 N. New Braunfels, Ste 204
San Antonio, Texas 78217
Chip Timing by Athlete Guild
Prize Drawing following Awards Ceremony (must be present to win)
Parking is available at Los Patios.