Sunday, April 10, 20168:00 am CST
4440 S Old Stage Coach Rd
San Marcos, Texas 78666
Description: The 3rd annual Got Your Back 5k is a celebration of the life of David Gish, who lost the battle against cancer in Fall 2014. This race will benefit the Bobby Patton Endowed Scholarship at Texas State University and a Bobcat family fighting aginst cancer.  The race is a timed race, to be held at 5 Mile Dam Park in San Marcos, TX.
Schedule: 7:00 am - Registration and Packet Pick-up
8:00am - 5K Run/Walk

Entry Fees:

$25 - Until March 31, 2016
$30 - April 1 - 9
$35 - Race Day

Packet Pick-Up:


Friday, April 8.  5p-7p, Jowers parking lot (Jowers Access Rd, towards Lion's Club).

Saturday, April 9.  11a-2p, Core Running Store Company, 111 E. Hopkins St.  San Marcos.


1st place in each Age Groups: 11-under, 12-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 through 60-over


Carla Heffner email: