Saturday, January 25, 20149:00 am CST
12th and Vance St
Taylor, Texas 76574
Description: 5K to benefit the Taylor Garden Club and the Arthritis Foundation. Taylor Garden Club provides Scholarships for youths whoa re pursuing careers in ecology , horticulture, landscaping, arbor and forestry studies and other career fields relating to growing things. We also work closely with the city of Taylor and the parks system to assist with planned tree and garden plantings and maintenance.
Schedule: 7:00am - Registration
9:00am - 5K Run/Walk
Entry Fees:

$25.00 - Early registration thru December 31st
$30.00 - January 1st thru January 24th
$35.00 - Race Day

Packet Pickup:

Friday noon until 9pm
1720 W Lake Drive Taylor Texas 76574

Race registration and pickup also available race morning on site until 8:45 a.m.